Monday, April 17, 2017

Using The Power of Your Mind to Create the Perfect Ending for you Life.

Ismail oubarka | 8:03 AM
One thing I hate more than anything is a movie ending that's completely different from what I expected. I loathe movies that end in a manner contrary to what I wanted to see. It doesn't matter if the movie was one of the most cleverly directed features ever if the ending is not up to my standards, I completely dismiss the entire film as useless.

Even when I was young, I would become extremely upset if I were ever interrupted from a pleasant dream. Whenever this happened, I would try my darnedest to fall back asleep and create the ending that I wanted. Sometimes I would even try to create alternate endings to dreams that did not meet my expectation of a suitable experience.  My number one priority was to always create the perfect result.
A few years back, I started working for a company that held extremely high standards.  As part of my probationary period, I had to go through a rigorous training and assessment process.  Here's the thing, I had to complete the training for a job that I didn't apply for.  Because my job required me to interact heavily with the operations team, I had to learn their jobs fully so I could be a better business partner for them.  I remember asking my boss what would happen if I wasn't able to pass the assessment for a job that I didn't even apply for.  Would I be fired?  She literally sidestepped my question because, truthfully, I could have lost my job if things didn't go well.

I was scared to death because I left a comfy position not knowing that my future rested on whether I could learn a completely new position in 8 weeks.  I did the only thing I could do.   I envisioned the best possible outcome.

Basically, before bed and upon waking up, I imaged myself during my final assessment.  I created a mental image of myself smiling and having lots of fun throughout the process and passing with flying colors.  Every image I created was a positive and energizing as possible.  I'm not that good at visualizing but I did it day and night.      When that day finally arrived, I wasn't nervous.  I put in tons of time studying and my mind was at ease.  Others who were taking the same assessment were super nervous.  But I had this sense of calm the entire time.  I was so at peace that I was able to help others with their last minute studying.  During our assessments, I felt completely energized!  At the end of the week-long ordeal, I was given my final score.  Basically, everyone who completes the program was rated as either red, yellow or green.  Receiving a red essentially meant that you weren't fit for the job.  Some would receive a demotion shortly after being classified as "red".  Most people received a yellow which meant that you had a decent grasp on the role but there may be a few things to work on.  A select few received a green.  

When I was told that I was rated a green, I cried actual tears.  It felt so amazing to actually be living out the outcome that I envisioned so many times before.  That day served as a clear reminder that I should always picture my perfect outcome.  

Even now, if my present reality isn't as I would hope for, I create new mental images to define my ideal ending. Without visualization,  you have to accept current results as the only available outcome. That is so far from the truth. What we are now experiencing, is only one possible outcome. Think of your life as a movie with various alternate endings. Your job is to go to the special features section and select an alternate (ideal) ending as another option. 

The main reason why you should even entertain the thought of creating mental images of ideal outcomes is because your brain can not honestly tell the difference between what is real and what is imaginary. Your mind operates in pictures and once it sees a clear picture it subconsciously accepts it as fact. Think about the times when you've had dreams so scary that you awoke with a rapid heartbeat and maybe even a little sweat on your brow. Your mind didn't know that you weren't in actual danger.  Your mind only did what it knows to do which is take mental images as fact and respond accordingly.

Tonight before you fall asleep, or just after you awaken before you get out of bed in the morning, take a few moments to dream while you are still awake. Create vivid pictures of your definition of the most perfect scenarios and let your mind soar. Let your mind fully believe that you are capable of experiencing what you saw and use your emotions to help motivate you to take consistent action towards creating it. 

In a way, you probably do some of this now. The problem with most of us is that we create mental pictures of the worst possible outcome. Today I ask you to use your mental powers for good, not evil, and create the life you've always wanted, both in your mind and in reality.


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