Thursday, June 11, 2020

Review: tgin Curls n' Roses on Low Porosity Natural Hair

Ismail oubarka | 1:57 PM
tgin curls n roses flatlay with hydrating hair mask and sulfate free shampoo

I know y'all knew this was coming!

As soon as @bronzegirlwithcurls slid in my DMs with that screenshot to Ulta's website, I've been determined to get my hands on the tgin Curls n' Roses collection. The Curls n' Roses collection was designed to provide all natural hair textures with lightweight definition and volume — with a special focus on fine, low density, and low porosity hair.

Although my hair isn't particularly fine or low density, it is low porosity and I live for amazing curl definition. In this review, I'll be breaking down the details you really want to know:
  • Do the Curls n Roses products work?
  • What's the difference between the original tgin Moist Collection and Curls n' Roses?
  • Is this really a new collection, or is it the same ol' same with a few extra ingredients?
  • How do I know which products to use?

If you've been wondering the real deal about Curls n' Roses by tgin, read and watch on!


Rose Water Sulfate Free Hydrating Shampoo
$14.99 for 13oz

Where to Buy
All Curls n' Roses products are available exclusively at Ulta.

Active Ingredients
  • Water
  • Rose Flower Extract: Derived from rose petals that works to hydrate and soothe the skin and hair. Contains antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, pH balancing, soothing, and blood-circulating properties along with antioxidant Vitamins A, C, D, and E, and essential fatty acids.
  • Extracts of Acai, Ginger, Lavender, Calendula: Stimulates and encourages hair growth while providing antibacterial and scalp-soothing support to hair follicles. Fights signs of aging and damaging in hair.
  • Marula Seed Oil: Lightweight oil packed with nutrients and fatty acids that fight aging and signs of damage.
  • Sugar Cane Extract: Moisturizing ingredient and humectant derived from sugar cane.
  • Sugar Maple Extract: Natural antibacterial and exfoliant that aids in repairing damaged caused by free radicals.
tgin curls n roses rose water sulfate free hydrating shampoo flatlay with wood and bath salts

A note on extracts:
The FDA requires that cosmetic products display their ingredient list in descending order of predominance. Therefore, whatever ingredients are at the top of the list are present in higher quantities. As the list goes on, the ingredients' presence in the product is less than the one before it. This is why I stick to "Active Ingredients" in my reviews — the first 5-7 ingredients listed will have the greatest impact on your hair. That miracle extract listed as 17th will not — and you're just paying for the name on the label.

What's interesting about tgin's Curls n' Roses formulation is that most of the products contain a core blend of extracts listed in the same order — rose, acai, ginger, lavender, and calendula — which is why I chose to put them all together. I don't actually know if tgin uses a single blend of all those ingredients, or if they're mixed in individually. What I do know is that they consistently appear at the top of the list — which means they're in significant enough quality to follow directly behind water.

That said, I wanted to make sure that in my ingredient breakdown, I also included the "other things" aside from the extracts that have an impact on the hair.

Protein Free?

Curly Girl-Friendly?
:::scratches behind ear:::

To be honest, I don't know how much longer I'll include this section in my reviews. Call me biased or whatever, but I never found the curly girl method to be of any use. Shampoos, sulfates, and silicones all have their place in a healthy hair regimen — and I will always, always, ALLLLLLLWAYYYYYS advocate for a clean scalp.

That said, the Rose Water Sulfate Free Hydrating Shampoo doesn't pretend to be anything other than what it is — a shampoo that gently cleanses the hair and scalp.

The Good
One of the first things that stood out to me about the entire Curls n' Roses collection is the fragrance. It's floral, but not Church-Mother-on-the-Front-Pew floral. It's gentle and sweet without being overbearing. It lathers up well, which is something I always appreciate about tgin's shampoos. It also does a great job of cleaning the hair and scalp without making them feel squeaky and dry.

The Bad
To be honest, I don't have anything "bad" to say about the Rose Water Sulfate Free Hydrating Shampoo. It doesn't strip the hair or scalp, and does a great job at removing the gobs of product I apply to my hair. It's not super slippy (but then again, it's not really supposed to be as a shampoo), but doesn't exacerbate tangles. 

What's the Difference?
As far as cleansing ability, it's very similar to the Moisture Rich Sulfate Free Shampoo. Both lather, cleanse, and prep the hair for deep conditioning quite well. The one difference I have noticed between the two is that the Moisture Rich Sulfate Free Shampoo does a bit better of a job with de-frizzing my hair.

The Bottom Line
For the shampoo, I'm going to defer to my fine-haired and low density sistas. As someone who's hair can handle a bit more (have you seen how much gel I use? 😂), I can't speak directly to the benefit of a lightweight shampoo. But by no means is it a bad shampoo.

Would I Buy Again?
To be honest, probably not. And it's not because it's a bad shampoo. Personally, I prefer tgin's Moisture Rich Sulfate Free Shampoo as my non-clarifying shampoo option. 

Rose Water Hydrating Hair Mask

$17.99 for 12oz

Where to Buy
All Curls n' Roses products are available exclusively at Ulta.

Active Ingredients
  • Water
  • Rose Flower Extract: Derived from rose petals that works to hydrate and soothe the skin and hair. Contains antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, pH balancing, soothing, and blood-circulating properties along with antioxidant Vitamins A, C, D, and E, and essential fatty acids.
  • Extracts of Acai, Ginger, Lavender, Calendula: Stimulates and encourages hair growth while providing antibacterial and scalp-soothing support to hair follicles. Fights signs of aging and damaging in hair.
  • Marula Seed Oil: Lightweight oil packed with nutrients and fatty acids that fight aging and signs of damage.
  • Aloe Vera Juice: Acts as a natural conditioning agent that restores the hair's sheen, luster, and shine. It not only makes the hair soft, but it also enhances strength and suppleness.
  • Coconut Oil: Oil high in saturated fats (which is why when cold, it is solid). One of the few known oils to penetrate the hair shaft and truly moisturize hair. Coconut oil helps to moisturize, seal, and prevent breakage.
Protein Free?

Curly Girl-Friendly?
Fine. I'll indulge you guys. It contains cyclopentasiloxane and dimethicone as the very last two ingredients on the list.

tgin curls n roses rose water hydrating hair mask jar open

The Good
Like it's nutrient-dense counterpart Honey Miracle Hair Mask, the Rose Water Hydrating Hair Mask is thick, rich, and packed with good for hair and scalp ingredients. It smells amazing, has tons of slip, and leaves hair feeling soft, hydrated, and shiny without weighing it down. Honestly, the Rose Water Hydrating Hair Mask is one of my favorite products in the entire collection. It will detangle, bless, and nourish your strands from root to ends in 30 minutes or less. 🙌🏽

Having multiple textures and porosities, it can be hard to find products that treat my trifilin' sections just as well as they treat my not-so-trifilin' sections. I never ran into that issue with the Curls n' Roses collection — especially with the Rose Water Hydrating Hair Mask. Y'all saw how my hair looked in the video before I started wash day! The Rose Water Hydrating Hair Mask was CLUTCH in terms of reviving the disaster atop my head. And did I mention how BOMB it smells?!

The Bad
While I absolutely LOVE the Rose Water Hydrating Hair Mask, I must admit that for me, it doesn't pack as much of a de-frizzing punch as I had hoped. And in all honesty, I'm not mad about it. The Rose Water Hydrating Hair Mask is designed to provide lightweight hydration for finer and lower density hair. I don't particularly fit the bill on either of those, so some extra frizz is to be expected. Had the product been made any heavier, it would likely not work for those with fine and low density hair. 🤷🏽‍♀️

What's the Difference?
Both the Honey Miracle and Rose Water Hydrating Hair Masks are thick, rich, nourishing, and smell delicious — but that's about where the similarities end. The ingredient lists are totally different. How they perform is totally different. The end results on the hair are also totally different. Honey Miracle is humectant and oil rich — honey, glycerin, olive, jojoba...and the list goes on. Rose Water Hydrating, however, leans on lighter weight ingredients and extracts to hydrate the hair. In the end they both work — but in different ways. It all boils down to what your hair needs.

The Bottom Line
The Rose Water Hydrating Hair Mask is a rich, penetrating deep conditioner that can correct a whole host of hair woes — especially for low porosity. If you have challenges getting deep conditioners to penetrate, or feel like as soon as you rinse, the softness goes down the drain with it, definitely give the Rose Water Hydrating Hair Mask a try. Oh, and for those that care — it's glycerin-free!

Would I Buy Again?
Yes, yes, yes, a million times yes. Before this review was even a thing, I had already ordered 2 jars from Ulta. And I'm gonna send my mama some for her cute lil' TWA.

tgin curls n roses flatlay with plants, pink beads, and wood

Rose Water Smoothing Leave In Conditioner

$14.99 for 13oz

Where to Buy
All Curls n' Roses products are available exclusively at Ulta.

Active Ingredients
  • Water
  • Rose Flower Extract: Derived from rose petals that works to hydrate and soothe the skin and hair. Contains antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, pH balancing, soothing, and blood-circulating properties along with antioxidant Vitamins A, C, D, and E, and essential fatty acids.
  • Extracts of Acai, Ginger, Lavender, Calendula: Stimulates and encourages hair growth while providing antibacterial and scalp-soothing support to hair follicles. Fights signs of aging and damaging in hair.
  • Marula Seed Oil: Lightweight oil packed with nutrients and fatty acids that fight aging and signs of damage.
  • Aloe Vera Juice: Acts as a natural conditioning agent that restores the hair's sheen, luster, and shine. It not only makes the hair soft, but it also enhances strength and suppleness.
  • Cocoa Butter: Antioxidant and mineral rich butter derived from the cocoa bean known for its ability to moisturize, protect, fight damage, and improve elasticity.

Protein Free?

Curly Girl-Friendly?

The Good
Y'all know I LIVE for a good leave-in, and let me tell youuuuuu — the Rose Water Smoothing Leave In Conditioner does NOT disappoint.

At all.
In the slightest.

It's got crazy slip. Imparts tons of moisture and hydration. Smooths my frizzies while still penetrating even the lowest porosity sections of my hair. It plays nicely with other gels and creates the perfect foundation for my wash and go styles.

The Bad
NOT. A. THING. You hear me?! Nothing.

What's the Difference?
To be honest, I had the hardest time differentiating between the Rose Water and Green Tea Leave Ins. They're both so so so so sooooo good that I can't really call it. Of course, there's a difference in fragrance and texture — with the Green Tea Leave In being a little thicker and richer than the Rose Water Smoothing Leave In. But by no means should you count it out. At the end of the day, you can't go wrong as long as the bottle says tgin.

The Bottom Line
Just do yourself a favor and grab the Rose Water Smoothing Leave In Conditioner, k?

Would I Buy Again?
In a heartbeat.

Girl with naturally curly hair looking down

Rose Water Curl Defining Mousse

$14.99 for 8oz

Where to Buy
All Curls n' Roses products are available exclusively at Ulta.

Active Ingredients
  • Water
  • Rose Flower Extract: Derived from rose petals that works to hydrate and soothe the skin and hair. Contains antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, pH balancing, soothing, and blood-circulating properties along with antioxidant Vitamins A, C, D, and E, and essential fatty acids.
  • Extracts of Acai, Ginger, Lavender, Calendula: Stimulates and encourages hair growth while providing antibacterial and scalp-soothing support to hair follicles. Fights signs of aging and damaging in hair.
  • Marula Seed Oil: Lightweight oil packed with nutrients and fatty acids that fight aging and signs of damage.
  • Maltodextrin/VA-Copolymer: Naturally derived hair styling polymer.
  • Cetrimonium Chloride: Compound close in composition to Behentrimonium Chloride. In addition to having the same penetrating, conditioning, and anti-static properties, centrimonium chloride has been scientifically proven to strengthen the hair when activated by heat.
Protein Free?

Curly Girl-Friendly?
Maybe? Contains a water-soluble silicone (coco glucosides hydroxypropyl dimethicone copolymer).

The Good
I'll be the first to admit that I'm not really a mousse girl, so my understanding and experience in this area is a little shaky. I will say that I liked how the mousse kept my curls clumped together during the styling process, which definitely lent itself to more frizz-free results.

I also noticed something else.

You know how as you style in sections, the parts you're not working on tend to dry out? Whenever I combined the leave-in and mousse, all my hair stayed soaking wet until the very end. No need to spray or re-wet. Where I'm from, we call that a win! 🙌🏽

The Bad
I couldn't find anything wrong with the Rose Water Curl Defining Mousse in terms of how it applied or performed in my hair. It didn't make my hair feel sticky or weird, so nothing to report here!

What's the Difference?
While I do have the Honey Whip Hydrating Mousse in my stash, I can't say that I've done too much with it to rightfully compare it to the Rose Water Curl Defining Mousse. They both appear similar in consistency, but have very different ingredient profiles. For starters, Honey Whip contains more humectants (like honey and agave) while the Rose Water Curl Defining Mousse relies on the blend of extracts we discussed earlier in the post.

What does this mean for your hair? Sorry sis, I couldn't tell ya.

Girl with naturally curly hair smiling arm behind head

The Bottom Line
One of the reasons I'm a lil' late in posting this review is because I wanted to thoroughly test each product — and one of my points of comparison was testing wash and go performance with and without the mousse present. As it turns out, I liked my results more with the Rose Water Curl Defining Mousse included — my hair had more definition, lasted longer, and even had a lil' extra shine to it. For those reasons, I can definitely say it's worth the buy and try.

Would I Buy Again?
Yes! Next up, I'm going to try the mousse on a different kind of style — so I'll report back and let you guys know how that turns out!

Rose Water Curl Defining Styling Gel

$14.99 for 13oz

Where to Buy
All Curls n' Roses products are available exclusively at Ulta.

Active Ingredients
  • Water
  • Rose Flower Extract: Derived from rose petals that works to hydrate and soothe the skin and hair. Contains antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, pH balancing, soothing, and blood-circulating properties along with antioxidant Vitamins A, C, D, and E, and essential fatty acids.
  • Acai Fruit Extract: Powerful, antioxidant rich extract that revitalizes the hair and fights signs of aging and damage.
  • PVP/VA Copolymer: Form filming vinyl polymer used as a hair fixative and binding agent (aka provides hold). It's a common active ingredient in many gels and styling product formulas.
  • Polysorbate 20: Emulsifier that enables oil and water to mix. It helps product disperse, is a thickener, and stabilizer of essential oils.
  • Extracts of Ginger, Lavender, and Calendula: Stimulates and encourages hair growth while providing antibacterial and scalp-soothing support to hair follicles. Fights signs of aging and damaging in hair.
Protein Free?
No. Contains hydrolyzed wheat protein.

Curly Girl-Friendly?

The Good
Listen, the results speak for themselves.

Girl with naturally curly hair smiling eyes closed

The first thing that caught my attention about the Rose Water Gel is the consistency. During my unboxing on IG Stories, I caught a jello jiggle wiggle motion that I hadn't seen from tgin before. Curl Bomb is a thicky-thick gel (which I love, and we'll get to that later), but The Rose Water Curl Defining Styling Gel is thick and wiggly. The consistency reminds me of Camille Rose Naturals Curl Maker, without the tackiness.

The Rose Water Curl Defining Styling Gel is thick, has tonssssss of slip (be careful, it might just slip outta your hands 😭), and provides lasting definition with the perfect gel cast to definition and volume ratio. In these photos y'all, my hair is on DAY ONE. My hair never looks like this on the first day. Y'all have seen the videos and pictures. Day one hair for me is flat, crunchy, and and you can practically see through it.

This hair? This day one hair? Simply phenomenal. Volume without sacrificing definition. Just enough crunch to let me know that day 3 and 4 hair is on the menu. Bawwwdy and bounce. Just excellence all the way around.

The Bad
Not. A. Single. Thing.

What's the Difference?
I hope it's clear by this point in my review that the Curls n' Roses collection is not just the tgin Moist Collection with some extra extracts sprinkled in. Curls n' Roses is a completely different collection that stands on its own two — and that becomes even more clear when you compare the Rose Water Curl Defining Styling Gel and the OG Curl Bomb Gel. Curl Bomb is thick-thick and a lil' stiff, Rose Water Gel is wiggly with tons of slip. Curl Bomb feels heavier, whereas Rose Water Gel is lightweight and dries with more volume and a bit more gel cast. Both great gels  — but your choice ultimately depends on your preferences and styling goals.

See my Curl Bomb review here!

The Bottom Line
When it comes to finding a gel that's strong enough to provide multi-day hold while not leaving your curls flat and ramen-like on day one, the Rose Water Curl Defining Styling Gel is about as close as it gets. This is the gel you can use on your hair the same day that you need it to look good. No styling and waiting 3 days to get that perfect hair day over here!

Would I Buy Again?
Sure would. Glad I bought two bottles from Ulta online, too!

Well, that wraps up this review! I hope you found my insights helpful and if you have any questions, you can always drop them here or on my Instagram! Catch y'all in the next one — and be sure to let me know what Curls n' Roses products you decide to try out for yourself!

This post was produced in partnership with tgin. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own! You guys already know that, though.

from The Mane Objective

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