Tuesday, September 30, 2014

My Experience With the Beautiful Textures “Texture Manageability” System

Ismail oubarka | 7:21 AM
by Christina Patrice  Recently, social media has been abuzz with word and photos of a revolutionary system that allows natural women to go from textured, to straight, and back to textured hair in the blink of an eye. That system is the Texture Manageability System by...

Monday, September 29, 2014

6 Vital Signs That Naturals Often Ignore

Ismail oubarka | 12:32 PM
by Black Girl With Long Hair  One of the most challenging aspects of switching to natural hair is getting to know it. To know how it communicates that it’s happy or sad with how you’re treating it. Here are six key indicators of hair health that naturals unknowingly...

Sunday, September 28, 2014

5 Things EVERY 4C Natural Should Know About Breakage — And How to Prevent It

Ismail oubarka | 11:11 AM
by The Natural Haven  The first thing that pops into my head when I think about youtuber Karen of Glamfun is of course the very catchy tune, ‘Wash and Go’s don’t work on nappy hair.’ Recently, she has been in the spotlight for her hair struggles and...

Saturday, September 27, 2014

When Naturals Attack! Popular 4C Vlogger Glamfun Discusses the YouTube Backlash She Received After Re-Relaxing Last Year

Ismail oubarka | 11:47 AM
by Christina Patrice  Karen Constant aka Glamfun made waves on YouTube with her witty lyrics and infectious personality, gaining popularity via natural hair parodies and providing tips and information for 4c natural hair. But when she began experiencing breakage...

Friday, September 26, 2014

4 Bad Habits to Eliminate to Maximise Length Retention

Ismail oubarka | 12:52 PM
by The Natural Haven I am pretty sure that most of us will be guilty of at least one of the things on the list below. This article is really aimed at people who have had trouble retaining length despite following the best of advice or think/know that they have a below...

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Will Naptural85’s 25-Minute Co-wash and Detangle Method Work on Waist-length 4C Hair?

Ismail oubarka | 7:24 AM
by Chinwe  As a natural, you’re more than likely familiar with some of the challenges that come with detangling – especially if you are 4C. Some include reducing breakage, avoiding snags and holding back tears from your eyes. (Yes, tears.) If  you tack on...

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

3 Types of Naturals Who Should Avoid Heat at All Costs

Ismail oubarka | 6:02 AM
by The Natural Haven  Do you know that girl who can comb her hair aggressively with a fine tooth comb, bleach it before placing her flat iron at the highest temperature and yet still have a beautiful full head of hair on her head? Hair is very specific to each...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Ismail oubarka | 3:18 PM
by Tonya McKay There is no mistaking the current trend in the cosmetics industry to incorporate vitamins and plant derivatives into formulations in order to advertise products as healthy, natural, green, sustainable or possessing anti-aging properties. One popular claim...

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