Saturday, October 31, 2015

Hair Blogs Weekly Round Up Post October 31st 2015

Ismail oubarka | 4:13 PM
Happy Saturday Ladies! I follow hundreds of hair blog feeds so here are my picks from around the blogosphere this week. Enjoy! 1. MsVaughnTV – Video – 4 Easy Hairstyles for Fall | Natural Hair 2. Carib Beauty – Video – How To Blend Your Natural Hair into a Wig 3. Donedo – Video –...

Can Wearing Red transform you into an International Woman of Mystery?

Ismail oubarka | 9:13 AM
I own a single red dress.  It's a strapless A-Line dress that I only wear to company Christmas parties.  Definitely a statement piece.  Other than that, there's nothing red in my closet.  Red's just not a color that I think I can pull off.  Something about...

My Eco Styler Gel Contains Triethanolamine, A Possible Carcinogen- Should I Be Worried?

Ismail oubarka | 8:13 AM
Triethanolamine, or TEA, is an ingredient commonly found in many ethnic hair care products such as hair gels, serums, creams, and leave-in conditioners. It is mostly found in hair gels and creams because its thick and sticky consistency strengthens the hold of the product as well...

Friday, October 30, 2015

Two Year Old Loses A Braid After Attending A Nursery And Nobody Can Explain It

Ismail oubarka | 5:14 PM
Imagine this scenario: You send your daughter to school and she comes home with her braid in an envelope and there is no explanation. Shantal Wallen the mother of a two year old braided her daughter Malaya’s hair like most moms would and had her attend school for the day. Erdington’s...

10 Ways To Stop Breakage From Happening

Ismail oubarka | 12:24 PM
BY ARIANE WILLIAMS BREAKAGE!!! We’ve all dealt with at one time or another. Breakage happens… Although it’s nearly impossible to completely eliminate breakage there are some preventative measures that you can take. See also: 5 Ways to Prevent Breakage in the Middle...

11 Blow Out Styles From Eclectic_vibez Instagram That We Love

Ismail oubarka | 12:07 PM
The post 11 Blow Out Styles From Eclectic_vibez Instagram That We Love appeared first on Black Hair Information. from Black Hair Information

5 Ways To Prevent Breakage in the Middle of Your Head

Ismail oubarka | 11:59 AM
BY ARIANE WILLIAMS For those suffering with hair issues in the center of your head, this area always seems to be the driest, the kinkiest, the hardest to comb, and breakage comes easy. Does this sound like you? Well, I know exactly what you are going through because I have...

Naturalista On A Budget? – 6 FAB Products Under $10!

Ismail oubarka | 8:10 AM
Hey natural hair money savers! That’s right, all products listed below are $10 and under with tax! I don’t know about you but I love saving money and I know if you are reading this then you desire to have fab hair without breaking the bank. Good news is it can easily be done and...

Thursday, October 29, 2015

4 Tips For Maintaining Curly Clip Ins

Ismail oubarka | 4:44 PM
Stuck in that awkward hair length phase? Want to add a little volume to your hair? Want to play with a kinkier (or looser) hair texture? Then you’re probably in the market for some curly clip ins. Curly clip ins are similar to natural hair textures, and they can be removed or installed...

Jumpstart A Healthy Hair Journey With A Healthier YOU!

Ismail oubarka | 8:46 AM
When you think of strengthening and protecting hair, you may think of protein. The idea that protein is essential to healthy hair is a logical one because our hair is made up of a tough protein called keratin. If we do not consume enough protein-through diet or supplement-we will...

Staple Status // Meet My New Favorite Deep Conditioner

Ismail oubarka | 7:59 AM
It's been a while since I've stumbled on a deep conditioner that I loved enough to graduate to staple status.  After falling in madly love with Kerastase and Kanechom, I thought I was set.  But a series of recent events led me to the discovery of a new brand and I'm grateful...

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

4 Things I Hated About Getting Relaxers 

Ismail oubarka | 6:57 PM
I think most of us naturals have gone through our ‘straight hair’ phase. I remember that I wanted to relax my hair so bad when I was in junior high school, even though I was warned about the dangers of the practice. While I thought I was following the norm, I was actually setting...

10 Relaxed Hair Vloggers We Love to Watch

Ismail oubarka | 12:11 PM
Ulovemegz Ulovemegz is definitely a force to be reckoned with! Megz aka ulovemegz is one of the first relaxed hair vloggers that I began following. She has since, however, transitioned to texlaxed. Her progress has been amazing! Megan also ventures out into fashion, beauty and protective...

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