Monday, February 27, 2017

Jane Carter Solution NEW Curls to GO! Review (Part 1)

Ismail oubarka | 9:39 AM
I found some new favorites in Curls to GO! Hey y'all! So...I've been sitting on a gold mine. About a month or so ago, you saw me and a ton of other bloggers fawn over Jane Carter Solution's new Curls to GO! care package - with jars and bottles of pretty pink products,...

4 Tips To Clear Up Your Itchy Scalp

Ismail oubarka | 7:06 AM
Healthy hair does not mean long hair and long hair does not mean healthy hair. With that said the foundation of healthy hair stems from your scalp. We have found that one of the main reasons naturals are not seeing the hair growth results they want is because of problems with the...

Decisions are useless, you have to make a choice.

Ismail oubarka | 6:31 AM
This month is wrapping up.  It's time to stop and do a little assessment on how things are going.  Remember the two months ago when you were all excited about everything you'd get accomplished this year?  How's it going so far? Sure, we still have many months ahead...

Sunday, February 26, 2017

#30DaysofDope Launching March 1st, 2017! Get Ready!

Ismail oubarka | 6:24 PM
Let's get ready to be dope together! We're nearly 3 months in to 2017 - how them goals and resolutions looking? If you're like, "ummmm...I'm just warming up this year, 2018 is gonna be lit!" - hold on for a second. There's still so much time left in this year to really...

7 Amazing, Budget-Friendly Products For Hydrated And Defined Curls

Ismail oubarka | 9:07 AM
I’ll be the first one to say that natural hair care can be on the expensive side if you’re looking for high-quality products with natural ingredients that will actually work for your hair type and texture. It seems like every mineral oil and alcohol-filled cream and gel is easy...

The 7 Day Experiment That Saved My Skin

Ismail oubarka | 7:25 AM
I had such a great result the last time I did a 7-day experiment that I decided to do another one.  The inspiration for this challenge was two-fold.  First, there's road construction just outside my home which essentially turned my street into a dirt road.  Every...

Friday, February 24, 2017

Working on Your Summer Body? The Collagen Bed May Be The Beauty Treatment You Need

Ismail oubarka | 7:24 AM
Yesterday, I was strolling through a small hip part of town when suddenly I saw a building that looked somewhat familiar.  I'd never been there before. The familiarity came from having seen it online.  It's a local skin spa owned by a WOC.  When I first discovered...

7 Tips To Achieving Cute and Easy Jumbo Box Braids At Home

Ismail oubarka | 7:06 AM
Jumbo box braids are always a great go-to style because they protect, tame, and allow hair growth–plus they’re super cute! However, we all don’t have the time or money to sit in a salon and get our hair done all the time so sometimes we have to take the matter into our own hands...

Thursday, February 23, 2017

This is How to Keep Your Eyes Looking Younger Forever.

Ismail oubarka | 8:04 AM
I was asked via email if I could share a few recommendations for a decent brand of eye cream.  After a few moments of reflection, I decided to respond by writing an entire article dedicated to creating a well-rounded eye care routine. I'm sure we could all just buy some eye...

3 Ways To Escape The Comparison Trap

Ismail oubarka | 7:03 AM
Do you ever scroll through some of your favorite natural hair inspiration Instagram pages, and can’t help but to stare at the number of gorgeous women with full voluminous fros in envy? Or while watching your favorite YouTuber style her hair into a head full of perfect moisturized...

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

4 Natural Hair Practices That May Be Hurting More Than They’re Helping

Ismail oubarka | 7:03 AM
The natural hair care wheel is one that is always spinning with new ideas and information to help us along our journeys. Like all new ideas and opinions, we have to weed through what is and isn’t right for us when it comes to our natural hair. Unfortunately, some trends from the...

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Can the Blood-group Diet Help With Hair Loss or Longer Hair?

Ismail oubarka | 7:03 AM
We always say that healthy hair leads to longer hair. We also think that a big part of any successful regimen is the nutrition. That’s what got me thinking: “Can the blood group diet help in the quest for longer hair?” I came across this diet when my sister –  also a naturalista...

Monday, February 20, 2017

Naomi Campbell's Makeup Artist Taught Me the Secret to Perfecting My Mascara Application

Ismail oubarka | 7:17 PM
I love watching beauty gurus on Youtube as much as the next guy. Even though they're a talented group of young women, there's nothing that compares to learning makeup application techniques from seasoned professionals. They offer up simple tips and tweaks that make an immense impact...

Black n' Curly Challenge Week 2 Update: Better than Good Hair

Ismail oubarka | 10:17 AM
Wash day was such a dream. I'm a few days late on this post, but just like that - week 2 is in the books! I've been having so much fun with the Black n' Curly Challenge. Every wash day, I stand in front of the shelves housing these beautiful, Black Owned products, and marvel...

Remove Your Self-Imposed Limitations to Make Room for the Impossible

Ismail oubarka | 9:27 AM
Once upon a time, I attended a small gathering with a group of people who were on a path to personal success.  At the meeting, we were all encouraged to talk about our current intentions and share goals we achieved in our past.   When it was my turn to speak, I felt pretty...

6 Tips To Achieving Realistic (And Long Lasting!) Synthetic Hair Looks

Ismail oubarka | 7:15 AM
For a long time now, synthetic hair has had some negativity attached to it because out of all of the different types of hair extensions, weaves, and wigs, it looked the phoniest. No matter if it’s fake or not, hair that looks ridiculously unrealistic is not necessarily a good look....

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