Friday, January 31, 2020

Stretching Relaxers: Do’s And Don’t

Ismail oubarka | 4:24 PM
For our girls who are wearing a relaxer you might be thinking about doing a little stretching. When getting relaxers, it’s recommended that you wait at least twelve weeks between touch-ups; that’s about three months. By that time most people have a significant amount of new growth...

Before You Go Back To Relaxers – Try This First

Ismail oubarka | 7:47 AM
Contents: Women Are Going Back to Relaxers The Reasons The Straight Hair Natural Basic Regimen for a Straight Hair Natural Final Thoughts Women Are Going Back to Relaxers Relaxers have taken a bad rap for the last eight years. Everyone and their grandma seemed to be transitioning...

Thursday, January 30, 2020

How To Install Flexi Rods On Natural Hair

Ismail oubarka | 4:17 PM
To the newbie naturalista, getting the perfect rod set may seem like an impossible task. Personally, I’ve been natural for almost two years and I still find it difficult getting my rod sets to look nice. There are a variety of products and methods that you can use, and your final...

IG Beauty Secret -- This Tea Helps Sheneka to "Keep Her Glow."

Ismail oubarka | 6:55 AM
I have a tea drawer at home that's chock full of various types of tea I've amassed along the way.  Yesterday, as I reviewed the contents of the drawer, I realized that, aside from bamboo tea, none of the other options on hand could produce external benefits.  Sure, green...

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

6 Ways To Get Rid Of Hair Anxiety While Blind Dating

Ismail oubarka | 4:17 PM
My friend told me she was going on a blind date. She had everything picked out: shoes, clothes, and makeup. The only thing that she was super anxious about was her hair. “What if he hates it? You know how these guys are!” She frantically quizzed me. Darn near drove me half crazy...

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Shingling On Dry Stretched Hair

Ismail oubarka | 4:17 PM
I know that if you’re like me, you’re probably like, “Girl, what in the world is Shingling? And WHY am I doing it on my already dry and stretched hair?” Shingling is a great tool for women who may not normally get good curl definition with their Wash ‘n’ Go’s. Only a few products...

Evie Samuel - The Instagrammer with the Most Perfect Skin.

Ismail oubarka | 10:09 AM
For many years, I've creeped on the Insta feed of countless women in hopes that they'll one day reveal the products and routines that create their admirable results.  This year, I've decided to step out of the shadows and actually reach out to them directly to find out more...

Monday, January 27, 2020

5 Strange Products Women Are Using To Grow Longer Hair And Why They Work

Ismail oubarka | 4:25 PM
Let’s admit it; we’ve all tried to grow our hair to lengths we’ve never seen before. Vitamins, hair serums, shampoos, and even some conditioners claim that they will give you long healthy hair in 5 minutes. Obviously, not all of those products live up to their advertisements, or...

[trending.] The Lash Lift is Back and Now It's Even Better.

Ismail oubarka | 9:39 AM
I went to high school in the '90s.  Back then long lashes weren't really a thing.  No one wore false lashes and lash extensions weren't even invented yet.  But, there was this one girl who had these super long barbie lashes that I was obsessed with.  Based on...

Sunday, January 26, 2020

15 Acronyms That Every Natural Girl Should Know

Ismail oubarka | 4:25 PM
I know that us naturals have our own language. It seems odd to others, as we spout off about this or that regarding our tresses, and speak in a language so foreign we can often times forget that there are people around us that actually speak in English – and not in letters. We thought...

I Hate When Strangers Touch My Natural Hair – How I Cope With This Odd Behaviour

Ismail oubarka | 4:25 PM
“No, you cannot…” “Why not?” “Because I don’t want you to, and I don’t know where your hands have been…” Yes y’all, it happened. Some lady in the grocery store asked if she could touch my hair, as she was coming at me with her hands. Umm, I don’t think so! Yes we are about to...

[try this] The DIY Combo for Your Own Glow Enhancing Body Serum.

Ismail oubarka | 6:35 AM
Ever since I wrote the article not long ago about body serums, I've had intentions to try a few of the options available on the market.  Unfortunately, I have some other wish list purchases that take priority so I had to improvise. Winters are torture for my skin. As soon...

Saturday, January 25, 2020

New Lid = New Formula? The 411 on WetLine Xtreme Gel

Ismail oubarka | 7:14 PM
A few months ago, I went in to Target to re-up on WetLine Xtreme Gel. As I scanned the shelf, I realized that the blazing neon green lid on my beloved 35.28oz jar had been replaced with a much more subtle navy one. Like the green lid jar, this one claimed to have 24-hour holding...

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