Thursday, March 17, 2016

Spring Mood.

Ismail oubarka | 8:07 AM
Spring is around the corner.  The other day, a friend and I discussed getting together to create mood/vision boards.  I thought it was a magnificent idea.  The only thing is that most magazines I flip through don't have the kind of aesthetics that seek.

Instead of a traditional vision board, I opted instead to create a spring mood board to showcase my intentions for season ahead.

Spring is an amazing season so a multitude of reasons.  First of all, it brings the first hint of warm weather after months of frigid temps.  For this reason, I believe spring is a season to celebrate.  Because spring is filled with beautiful day (with low humidity), I plan to take full advantage by enjoying wonderful lunches + brunches at various outdoor cafes before it gets to muggy.

I'm also inspired to take part in a little bit of spring cleaning.  I want my house to have that light, clean feeling and the easiest way to do that is to get rid of excessive clutter.  As a reward for my hard work, I'll fill the home with fresh flowers as a sign of the new season.

If all goes well, I hope to incorporate more travel into my life this year.  Last year, I said the same thing, but I waited to long to plan.  Time passed and next thing you know, the was over.  Not this time.  My new intention is to enjoy a getaway at least once a season.  Even if it's only for a couple of days.

Spring bring with it lots of styling options.  It's not hot enough yet to dress for comfort.  It's not so cold that you have to worry about freezing.  Which is why spring is the perfect time to wear bright colors and bold accessories.  Another intention of mine, this season, is to re-engage in my self-care routine.   Most of this winter consisted of me huddled under the covers,  complaining about how cold it was.  Now that it's warmer, I'm filled with a new level of energy. It's time to correct some of the areas I've been neglecting all winter.  The first priority on this list was to start taking care of my nails again.  Nails are such a small detail but they make a world of difference.  Whenever I want long, strong nails, I sip on some Beautifully Bamboo tea.  Seriously, within a couple of weeks of being consistent, my nails are unrecognizable.  They're long, healthy and so strong that I actually have to trim 'em down.

And, of course, I'm thinking ahead about my hair regimen.  Spring & summer mark the beginning of what I like to call "hair growing season."  As temperatures rise, so does our hair growth rate.  I'm thinking ahead to see how I can do my best to retain as much as possible.  One option I'm considering is experimenting with clip ins while keeping my hair braided underneath.  We'll see how that goes.

Have you created your intentions for spring yet?

from Relaxed Hair Health

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