Monday, August 24, 2015

Where Is It Ok To Be Black? – A Woman Gets Written Up For Having ‘Ethnic’ Styled Hair

Ismail oubarka | 3:40 PM
I saw this post on Instagram today, it was posted by livey_j who saw it on on her Facebook page. To be honest we talk about this all the time because there has been more than one occasion where a child or an adult has been discriminated against because of their hair.

We have even made suggestions on hair styles women can wear to work that could be considered work appropriate. When you think about it, just the very fact that we have to create suggestions for black women and children who choose to wear their hair the way it naturally grows out of their scalp is ludacris.
The fact that we have to have a set standard and rules applied on how we wear our hair is very very sad. In the post the young lady said she was written up for having ‘ethnic’ styled hair, we are not sure if she was at school or work, either way it is bad!
What in the world is that and can a company legitimately put something so racist on a piece of paper and stick in a person’s file.
The hair community has not tackled #blacklivesmatter in a way that shows our own protest and when I hear stories like this one I cannot say wholeheartedly that a hair blog dedicated to black hair is exempt from saying anything about it.
#Blacklivesmatter was born out of much more violent scenarios but you cannot help but think about how much we fit in every time you are persecuted for just being human or normal.
For instance when you buy some skittles and a soda, wear a hoodie or God forbid you need to take a “breath”. When you dive into it, the hair community is affected too, we have our own discrimination that we deal with at work and at school. This is just a small part of a bigger issue but still very much a problem for black women and black children.
If I decide to wear a ponytail and a small black head band why should I be written up and my lively hood affected? Where in the world is it ok to just be black!?

1 comment:

  1. if I were you I would hire me an attorney, and pursue this matter to the fullest. I'd certainly make them pay out the nose, this will make headline news and do a world of good for every other female male and Child. Behind you 100%percent.. and you know the natural hair community is too.


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