Deep conditioning is a part of any healthy hair care routine and now that is winter time it’s more important than ever to avoid dry hair. Here are some tools, tips, and tricks that will make deep conditioning more easier than ever while boosting its effects:
Read more about the Benefits of Deep Conditioning Natural Hair | 5 Best Deep Conditioners for Natural Hair
Make sure your hair is not sopping wet
What happens when you hair is drenched and you try to deep condition? The conditioner ends up running off of your hair and onto you along with the water, not a cool feeling. You do want to aim for towel dried hair so that the conditioner is covering your hair and not you. To avoid snags, you can opt to go with an old t-shirt. Alternatively, I like to use a microfiber turban towels (like this one).Nuke your conditioner
The microwave is another tool that can help make sure you get the heat you need to make your conditioning effective. It also makes your hair super soft. You don’t need to heat up your conditioner for very long. I heated my conditioner up for 1 minute and it was pretty warm so you might want to start with 30 seconds depending on how high powered your microwave is. It also helps to loosen things up a bit in that tight conditioner container so you can get use of every last inch of product.Cover those needy areas
Make sure you are covering thoroughly covering all areas of your hair but most importantly please don’t forget about those ends! They are the oldest and most needy part of our hair. They require the utmost attention. To make sure you’re getting the best coverage you may want to section your hair and go section by section.Buy: Large Processing Caps
Nothing wrong with adding a boost
Sometimes I like to add natural ingredients to my store bought conditioner for an additional boost. I have used coconut oil as this penetrates the hair shaft and raw honey which is super moisturizing (make sure you rinse thoroughly).No plastic caps? Use a store bag don’t be ashamed!
I know I can’t be the only person that does this. When you run out of your plastic caps and don’t feel like going to the store or paying for any replacements, the good old grocery store bag will do.Try the Microwavable Deep Conditioning Cap
For deep conditioning to be effective you need heat. However, many of us can’t stand sitting under a hooded dryer and some of us don’t even have one. Making the Hot Head Deep Conditioning Cap a cost effective solution that works just as great.What I love most about this product is that it keeps me mobile. I don’t have to be tied down to a chair and I am free to walk around to do my chores or accomplish whatever else I need to get done.
Also I find that the heat that comes from hooded dryers is, to say the least, uncomfortable. While this deep conditioning cap releases heat that is more soothing. For those on a budget this product is relatively inexpensive, as it sells for about $30 while a quality hooded dryer is about $100 and up.
Don’t be afraid to let it sit a while
If your hair has been experiencing a bad dry spell you can leave it on for a longer period of time to moisturize and soften your hair. It doesn’t hurt to let it even sit overnight and then rinse in the morning if your hair is really dry & damaged.These tips are sure to help you get rid of your dryness woes and make the most out of deep conditioning. I use these hacks often, and I love the results!
What hacks do you use?
from beauty hair
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