Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Hair That Does Not Break?! The protein treatment that creates miraculously strong, shiny hair

Ismail oubarka | 6:02 AM
Each wash day, for years, I'd pull out my little bottle of Pure Protein and poured a small capful into a mixing bowl filled with conditioner.  As someone who loves moisturizing conditioners, I realized that I was neglecting to include adequate protein into my regimen.  But I wasn't really diggin' protein conditioners.  The solution to all my problems showed up in the form of Pure Protein.

Pure Protein was an instant staple. And I thought I'd use it for the rest of my life.  That is until I randomly stumbled on a testimonial for another protein reconstructor.  The words she used to describe her results after using this product would forever be seared into my brain.

"I use DRC-28. When I use it, honestly my hair DOES NOT BREAK. My old stylist used it on me and my hair was unstoppable......DRC really fortifies my hair with continuous use."

I think I re-read her words like five times.  How could one be so bold as to make such a statement?  A woman with relaxed hair proclaiming to have zero breakage is unheard of!  She went on to say that a stylist once used a rat tail comb on her wet hair which made her highly upset. The stylist tried to appease her by saying that although she had fine hair...."it didn't break."

So I went searching for others who've tried this magical elixir to see what others had to say.  One DRC-28 user stated that "it works wonders on hair and stops breakage like no other."  Another boasted: "I purchased this 3 weeks ago and used it last week.  It left my hair shiny and I have less breakage in a week."

Here's another testimony:  "I used DRC-28 yesterday and got exactly the results I was looking for: strong hair that does not break.  It didn't stink (like Aphogee) and it did not make my hair hard (like Aphogee). My hair feels really good now.  This product works!"

When two random people (three, if you count the incompetent stylist) proclaim that their chemically treated hair doesn't break.  Is there any doubt that you MUST take this product with you on your hair journey?

Allow me to take you back in time to three weeks ago.  I was wandering down the aisles of a local beauty supply store.  I made up my mind to either pick up a wearable wig or I'd try to make my own.  My hair was being super disrespectful to me and I had enough.  I asked the lady to show me textured human hair.  The wig example she showed me was gorgeous. Thick, healthy and beautiful. I ran my hands through the virgin hair and almost started to cry. It was similar in length and thickness to my real hair, only this hair was so healthy. Cuticle layer perfectly in tact.  I thought to myself, if only I could get my hair to this level of greatness.

This thought echoed in my mind for several weeks before I stumbled on these DRC-28 testimonies. It was like I attracted this product into my life.  Yes, the price is high, but compared to what I pay for a small bottle of Pure Protein, I'm actually saving money ($3.00 an ounce for DRC vs. $22.00 an ounce).  I should also mention that DRC-28 has several types of protein compared to Pure Protein which only has one.

The bottle arrived and hours later I took it for a spin using the directions provided on the bottle.  First I cleansed, then applied the brown liquid to my lightly dampened hair before sitting under the dryer.  The product hardened on my hair as I read digital magazines under the dryer.  Minutes later, I rinsed and conditioned using KeraCare's Humecto.

The thing I feared most was stiffness and dryness from protein overload.  But honestly, I experienced none of that.  Breakage reduced drastically and I felt very comfortable moving to the second phase of my experiment.

Phase II
This time, I would see if DRC-28 could take the place of Pure Protein as a routine protein treatment.  Instead of saturating my hair with the product, I'd blend it with my favorite conditioners as a fortifier.  Because DRC-28 is such a generous size bottle, I added the equivalent of about 3 capfuls.  Maybe I went a little overboard.  The liquid blended easily with my other conditioners which allowed for easy application.

Since I did a protein treatment just a week prior, I decided to head under the steamer for intense moisture instead of using dry heat.  It's now a day later and I'm elated at how wonderfully healthy my hair feels.  Breakage is darn near non-existent, but better yet, my hair reminds me of that awesome wig I touched just weeks ago.  Well, not exactly, but, it's in a way healthier state than before.  My cuticles are sealed and feel so smooth.  I never expected a protein treatment to give me results like this.

Gosh, I'm hoping that with continued use, I may be able to blow dry again without fear of ruining my hair.  Heck, maybe even one day I could be one of those lucky people who can declare that my hair does not break! * Folds hands together and looks up to heaven.*

from Relaxed Hair Health http://ift.tt/1OwwP3J

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