Sunday, December 27, 2015

Transform your space, transform your life.

Ismail oubarka | 9:46 AM
Ok, we only have a few days in the year.  Time to get to work.

Let's set ourselves up to have one of our best years ever in 2016!  Lately, my mind has filled with thoughts and ideas about how to reinvent my environment.  I feel like this desire burns deep inside and won't quiet down until I execute it to the fullest!

Yesterday, I was watching an episode of Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles.  Josh Altman, a real estate broker is showing homes to a successful tech entrepreneur.  His client isn't too happy with the first option shown. Then Josh says this,"Rob is like a lot of my clients.....A guy like that is a successful businessman, he's gotta feel good." 
Interesting choice of words. Instead of saying, "he's gotta love the house, or he's gotta find something in his price range."  No, instead Josh shares one of the little known secrets to success that I'm going exploit in 2016.

We've touched on the topic of having a feel good routine in the past.  This year, I realized that everything seemed to flow whenever I made a deliberate effort to make myself feel really good.  Sometimes it was easy to do, sometimes not so much.  But one thing I'm certain of is that if my environment right, it has a direct and immediate impact on how I feel.

In 2016, one of my intentions is to create an environment that keeps me in a state of bliss.  

Specifically, I'll be creating a living space that sparks creativity, aliveness and inspiration.  I believe this will have a direct impact on my other intentions for 2016. I know it'll definitely boost my productivity.  Imagine how much easier it'll be to focus in a well maintained space.

Over the next several days, my primary objective will be to take massive action towards transforming my environment.
First and foremost is the cleaning and decluttering.  I attended a personal development class once where the facilitator kept repeating one sentiment over and over:

"One can create any possibility they desire.  But, possibility can only be created from nothing. If we want something new to happen in our lives, we have to create the space for it."

A lot of my possessions is representative of my past.  Since the future I'm creating will look different from my past, I'm releasing as many items from my past as possible.   These items are just there.....taking up space.  So they have to go.

The work of decluttering has already begun and the new energy I feel when walking around the house is undeniable.   The longer I work from home, the more I realize how critical it is to dwell in an environment that gives you life!

Cleaning and decluttering was is first step.   Create space!

And once you're complete, you can begin to incorporate elements of the things you love.  If your environment lifts your mood, you won't have to rely as much on internal motivation.  One thing I've noticed about me is that my environment is a direct reflection of my mental state of mind.

Whenever I mediate regularly, listen to motivational audio and get lots of things done on my to do list, I also invest more time cleaning and organizing around the house.  But when I'm lacking motivation, my house usually looks messy as reflection of what's going on inside.
After binge watching multiple seasons of Million Dollar Listing, I noticed a very clear pattern. All of the multi-million dollar homes were highly organized, had a lot of space, and incorporated elements of nature (like live plants, candles or water features).  The simplicity in the interior design really elevates the look and feel of the home.   Josh Altman even said it himself, "when there's stuff all over the house, I can't think clearly."  

It's no wonder that millionaires are attracted to spacious homes with meticulously designed interiors.  But even without a multi-million dollar home, there are things you can start doing to immediately transform your home into one that makes you feel fully inspired.

from Relaxed Hair Health

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