Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Body Shop Has the Facial Mask Game On Lock.

Ismail oubarka | 8:41 AM
Every time I see a selfie with some girl caring for her skin with a mask, I always think to myself, "I should mask more often."  I want to be one of those people whose stay with flawless skin because of masking on the regular. Sometimes my laziness kicks in and stops me from...

Teaching your friends to care for their hair, a lesson in time wasting?

Ismail oubarka | 6:53 AM
If you have not learned the ‘truth’ about afro hair care, not the nonesense many ‘professional’ salons teach but the actual truth that moisture aka water is your friend and not your foe, you may have a hard time convincing other black women on hair care techniques. Not too long ago,...

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

My Cryotherapy Experience & Why It Should Be Part of Your Self Care Routine.

Ismail oubarka | 1:38 PM
When I first learned of the merits of cryotherapy, I really wanted to try it.  I was in the midst of trying different methods of self-care so cryotherapy fell by the wayside.  Eventually, I stumbled on a fantastic value on Groupon and finally booked a series of sessions. Unclaimed,...

The Importance of Simplicity In Your Hair Care Regimen

Ismail oubarka | 6:53 AM
Simplicity is key in retaining length Simplicity. There is something so obvious about this word yet so easy to miss. Simplicity in everything is the key to getting the results you desire. I was reminded of this while I was looking though a black woman’s online photo album (as...

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

How to tell if your hair is protein sensitive

Ismail oubarka | 6:32 AM
Many ladies think that they are protein sensitive. Are they denying their hair the necessary strength it needs to retain growth? Protein sensitivity is a sometimes controversial but always a hot topic in hair care. Simply put, protein sensitivity is when hair will overreact in the...

Monday, November 27, 2017

The Path of Least Resistance: "What's the Easiest Thing You Can Do Right Now?"

Ismail oubarka | 7:23 AM
Today, I'll give you a small piece of advice that will hopefully change the direction of your life.   This morning I went on a morning walk.  Typically on these walks, I'll open the voice app and record an update of various areas of my life. This morning's update...

Managing heat damaged or relaxer damaged hair

Ismail oubarka | 6:37 AM
Find out how to deal with damage to the hair to nurse it back to health Some would say that relaxed hair is damaged hair. This is not the case, relaxed hair has been chemically altered so cannot be treated the same way that natural hair is. It is easy to tell the difference between...

Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Herbal Supplement That Makes You More Mentally Focused (while burning your belly fat)

Ismail oubarka | 5:03 AM
This year, I've taken a lot of interest in learning about how our body works at a cellular level while discovering ways to increase mental focus and energy.  As a solo entrepreneur, it's absolutely critical that I consistently operate at my best. When I'm unmotivated, tired...

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

This is What Celebrities Do To Stay Glowing. And You Should Too!

Ismail oubarka | 7:28 AM
The holiday season is here. Besides the shopping rush, there's something else we have to worry about.  It's a stressful time of year because of all the events and get-togethers that'll fill our schedule.  We're indulging in sweets which means that we're slowly putting...

How To Wash and Deep Condition Micro Braids Without Slippage

Ismail oubarka | 6:57 AM
Keep your micro braids squeaky clean while avoid the slippage Micro braids or ‘micros’ are one of the most gorgeous of braids. Resembling free flowing hair they can be worn in a variety of styles from curly, wet and wavy or dead straight. Human hair braids can be curled and straightened...

Monday, November 20, 2017

Review & Demo: As I Am Long and Luxe Collection Part 1

Ismail oubarka | 8:58 AM
The Long & Luxe Collection from As I Am was designed to aid in growth and length retention. Y'all already know I'm on a length retention mission. Now that my hair is restored to health (Hallelujah!), I'm focusing all my energy on maximizing growth and retaining every...

Motivation Monday \\ Where Do You See Yourself 24 Hours From Now?

Ismail oubarka | 7:07 AM
According to the Strengthfinder, one of my strengths is having a future-based mindset.  I'm forever imagining and fantasizing different versions of my future.  This is a cool skillset to have. But it does have its drawbacks.  Sometimes, looking too far ahead could...

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Do You Really Need Vitamins Or Supplements To Grow Black Hair Long?

Ismail oubarka | 7:42 AM
Contents: Separate The Fact From The Fiction In Black Hair Growth What Influences Hair Growth? The Importance Of Diet In Hair Growth Final Considerations Further Reading Separate The Fact From The Fiction In Black Hair Growth Hair vitamin pills and potions are rampant on the internet...

How To Choose A Flat Iron For Your Relaxed Or Natural Black Hair

Ismail oubarka | 6:17 AM
What do you need to look for in a straightener? Buying a good straightener for your hair type can be more complicated than it looks. With all the new kinds of flat irons ranging from the dirt cheap to the ridiculously expensive, which one should you buy? Choosing a flat iron is not...

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