Thursday, May 31, 2018

How To Wear A Short Wig or Weave When You Have Long Hair

Ismail oubarka | 9:30 AM
Long hair is overrated. It’s nice to have it but it’s also a great deal of work to maintain, particularly long natural hair. Look at Mwedzi with her mid back length 4b hair. Her epic 4 hour detangling sessions are enough to make even the most patient of us reach for either...

[trending.] The Crossbody Mini Bag

Ismail oubarka | 7:13 AM
Several months ago, I sent a direct message to a friend on Instagram expressing my desire for a designer fanny pack.  She encouraged me to treat myself to one if that was what I wanted.  I then informed her of the hesitations that stopped me from moving forward. I grew...

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Simone Reminds Us to Step Our Lash Game Up.

Ismail oubarka | 10:03 AM
In a perfect world, I'd execute a multistep beauty routine every night to ensure that I wake up flawless every morning.  Most days, I do the bare minimum required to keep my face from breaking out.  But this strategy is passive in nature and doesn't create new results. ...

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Hair Under The Microscope: Think You Don’t Need Heat Protectant? Think Again!

Ismail oubarka | 9:30 AM
If you flat iron your hair with any degree of regularity you will be well aware of the benefits of heat protectants. Heat protectants are products that protect your hair from the direct heat of blow dryers, flat irons or any other heated styling tools. They also reduce frizz and...

Monday, May 28, 2018

How Do You Know That You Love Your Hair?

Ismail oubarka | 9:38 AM
At a recent hair conference the question was posed, do black women really love their hair? The premise for this discussion is the thought that if black women truly loved their hair they would see more growth and less hair loss. If we took the stance that this premise is true, what...

Supporting Women’s Empowerment with Uber at the 2018 Billboard Music Awards

Ismail oubarka | 2:02 AM
We are constantly empowered and inspired by strong women. We have been surrounded by them our entire lives. Our mother. Our grandmother. Each other and our sisterly bond. The impact of our sibling relationship and having such strong, intelligent and positive women growing up affected...

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