Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Simone Reminds Us to Step Our Lash Game Up.

Ismail oubarka | 10:03 AM
In a perfect world, I'd execute a multistep beauty routine every night to ensure that I wake up flawless every morning.  Most days, I do the bare minimum required to keep my face from breaking out.  But this strategy is passive in nature and doesn't create new results.  I need to remember to include steps that not only maintain but also add value.

Thankfully, I was given a timely reminder that cleansing and moisturizing isn't enough.  And if I were to include one additional step, I could be enjoying the lashes of my dreams.
One of our favorite beauty inspiration here on the blog is Simone, aka, Cocoaflowerr.  She's what I'd classify as a natural beauty who appreciates the power of a solid self-care routine.  We've talked about her skin, body care and flat tummy regimen in the past.

Recently, she passed on a little tip that we all can benefit from.  In the caption of a recent Instagram post, Simone informs us that she uses castor oil at night and Glossier's new Lash Slick mascara during the day.  I'm sure most, if not all of us have heard that applying a little castor oil on the lashes at night could mean beautiful lashes in the near future.  Simone's signature look is the no-makeup natural face.  Nothing pulls that look together better than lengthy lashes and a full brow.  And castor oil can help take us there.

Simone didn't go into much detail about how long it took for her lashes to reach new lengths. My guess is that it didn't take too long.  Our lashes typically have a short lifespan, but with a little help from castor oil, we can help keep our lashes a little longer.  All we have to do is procure a few empty mascara tubes or liquid eyeliner applicators and we're in business.

When I first saw Simone's results, I was a bit skeptical about whether her lashes were indeed longer than before.  But after scrolling back a few months, I realized that the difference was undeniable.
Simone's Natural Lashes from December 2017
Her new set of extra long wispy lashes were just the inspiration I needed to add castor oil to my nightly routine.  I've seen some impressive result from people who've applied commercial lash lengthening products religiously.  While some of them can produce decent results, they can be a bit pricey.  Most of us already have some castor oil at our disposal. All we have to do is be a little diligent in adding it as an extra step to our nightly routine.  It probably only takes a second but the results could be very worth it.


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