Monday, December 23, 2019

Reclaiming My Time! It's Time to Work for Future You.

Ismail oubarka | 9:37 AM
2019 is quickly coming to a close.  Let's do a goal planning exercise to prepare for the year ahead.  I've written about the concept of the future version of you on a few occasions.  Basically, it's the idea of being the person today that will create the future you want to experience tomorrow. 

Every single desire of yours is possible if you simply make a series of decisions/actions that bring about that result.  Today, we're going to focus on our ideal future and how to ensure this future happens by identifying exactly what we need to do today.
There are a couple versions of "future you" that exists.  There's the one that represents your short-term future and the one that exists in a more distant future.  Both are important but I'm making the case that we should place a heavy focus on the version of ourselves that will exist 3-6 months from now.

What's the fastest and most powerful way to impact your life 3, 6, or 9 months from now?

By focusing on your micro-future.

Our ability to affect our micro-future is so much greater than the distant future.  When you wake up in the morning, you can easily impact the type of day you will have.  Heck, we can make choices that affect the type of morning you'll have.  For instance, if I decide to meditate or exercise before jumping straight to work, it will have a direct and immediate effect on my productivity for the day.

The outcome of our immediate future (1-14 hours from now) is directly within our control. 
On January 1, 2020, I'll be meeting a group of friends for brunch.  At the start of the year, we met for brunch to discuss our intentions for 2019.  While I'm grateful for how this year went, I still feel like I left a lot on the table.  Why? Because I squandered a bunch of my time.  More importantly, I didn't direct enough time and attention to creating my immediate future. 

More or less, my life looks pretty much the same as it did at the start of the year.  That's not a bad thing.....but it's not a good thing either.

If my life feels pretty similar to the year before, this means I'm coasting. This also means that the bulk of my current time is dedicated to actions that support my current life.

Before I meet my friends on January 1rst, I'm going to put a plan in place that will truly impact the year ahead.

It's time to flex for my future self!
Here's the plan....

I pulled out a sheet of paper of quickly jotted down a list of the highlights from 2019. Once I put them down on paper, I expressed gratitude for all of the amazing things that took place this year.  Then I jotted down the aspects of 2019 which weren't so great (that I could control).   Lastly, I listed the experiences and outcomes I felt were completely missing from my life this past year.

From this list of what's missing and the undesirable results, I'll develop my ideal 2020 plan.  But this time, my strategy to manage the outcome is by focusing on the immediate (micro-future).   When I look at the list of the areas where I fell short, I could've absolutely changed the outcome by incorporating a few simple daily habits and working to improve by 1% daily.   Everything on my list of when I underperformed in 2019 could've been different if I allocated my time differently.

Approximately a year from now, 2020 will be coming to a close.  Today, we get to choose the direction of our life over the next 365 days.  Instead of hoping and praying for things to go our way, let's design each day in a way that fuels our ideal future.


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