Wednesday, February 18, 2015

For the Busy Women: Small Victories

Ismail oubarka | 10:21 PM

Your alarm goes up but you hit snooze hoping that the extra 10 minutes will benefit you somehow. When the alarm goes off you hit the ground running, mentally making a to-do list while you brush your teeth, verbally reciting tasks for the day as you brew your coffee and stressed by the large list by the time you shower. Sound like you?

"She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness." (Proverbs 31:27)

This is one of the characteristics of a virtuous woman. We go through life determined not to eat the bread of idleness. But sometimes we can go way overboard and silently punish ourselves. We can pass through our days, weeks, months and years feeling a certain sense of guilt that we didn't accomplish all of our goals. Ever consider breaking them down to make them more attainable?

One thing that has helped me feel accomplished and productive are small victories. Breaking large tasks into smaller more attainable tasks.

I can set an unrealistic goal of spring cleaning my entire house in a day. Or I can celebrate my mini accomplishments - small victories, if you will- of finishing laundry, breast feeding for an entire day, cleaning the kitchen and making dinner. See what I mean? Maybe a few rooms are still untidy but when I see what I did accomplish I can still feel good about what I've conquered. It's similar to the analogy about the glass being half empty or half full.

Breaking down small victories:

-Keep a list in your phone (whether through an app or just notes) of small tasks to complete.

-Be task specific. For example: Clean the kitchen vs wash dishes, wipe counter, empty dishwasher, etc.

-Check off every task you finish by the end of the day

-Reward yourself when a certain number of tasks are done. Treat yourself to a nice coffee, a pedicure, a new book, a much needed nap, etc.

You will be amazed at the sense of accomplishment you will feel seeing all those tasks checked off! You won't feel nearly as stressed as time goes by. Remember that the work of the world is done by busy people. We just have a way of balancing it all out. It's all about balance!

from Natural with Kendra

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