Monday, February 23, 2015

For Mommies: Top 10 Postpartum Tips

Ismail oubarka | 2:30 PM

Everyone has different labor and delivery experiences so the type of recovery needed can vary greatly from woman to woman. Thankfully recovery has been quite smooth overall for me. Whatever your experience here are my top 10 tips to caring for your body and getting back in the swing of things!

Tip #1: Accept Help

I am one of those I-can-do-it-myself types of women so this can be hard for me. But when it came down to it, I took everyone up on their offers to help. I knew that I wanted to dedicate most of my attention to Simon. I was tired, sore and learning how to care for my baby.

If anyone says, "if you need help let me know", let them help you! Here are some ways that people helped me:

-Cooked for us or brought over take out for dinner

-My mother in love came over everyday the first week and helped with EVERYTHING!

-My mother in law cooked and froze a weeks worth of main dishes for us.

-My sister in love and friend cleaned the house and did laundry for us

-My sister stayed overnight to run errands and go to the pharmacy for me

I can go on and on but all of those things were huge!

Tip #2: Wear a Girdle

My sister told me that I would still look about 6 months pregnant after I had Simon. This is true! Your uterus is still shrinking and your belly has been stretched to capacity during the pregnancy.

In my experience, the excess "baggage" (smile) felt very unsupported and uncomfortable. Wearing a spandex girdle gently held everything in and made me feel comfortable. It also helps to bring everything back in! My stomach went down dramatically in a matter of weeks.

Tip #3: Naps Are Your BFF

Nap, nap and nap some more. Your body needs the rest! My husband had to constantly remind me that my body had went through a major event! On top of that you are up every 2-3 hours with your baby at night. Be gentle on yourself and allow your body to heal. Snuggle with your baby, snuggle with your hubby and baby and get those much needed naps. If you have other tots running around, have a friend or family member come over to watch them for an hour or two so you can sleep.

Tip #4: Get Dressed Everyday

Once I came home, I made it a goal to have a shower and real clothes on by noon everyday. It kept me motivated not to get in the rut of being in pajamas and scrub clothes all the time. While you'll want to just be in a robe and slippers, it actually makes you feel better to be dressed. I didn't wear anything fancy but it was my way of reminding myself that I mattered and still needed to care for myself.

Tip #5: Epsom Salt Baths

I started this around 6 weeks postpartum and it helped immensely. I fill my tub with hot water and add in Epsom salt and 10 drops of lavender essential oil. I would soak for at least 10 minutes. This is amazing to safely draw out toxins (if you are nursing), and help to heal your body. It's also very soothing and relaxing!

Home alone with baby? Bring them in the bathroom in a bouncer, swing, etc. The smell of lavender will be soothing and relaxing to them.

Tip #6: Include Daddy

Let daddy help as much as possible. If you are nursing it's easy for them to feel left out because you are constantly nursing the baby. Let them hold the baby (and don't tell them how to do it!), pump an extra bottle for them to feed the baby sometimes, and include them as much as possible. The last thing you want is daddy feeling left out or that he's of no use. Be careful not to constantly correct him and tell him he's doing things wrong. This pushes them away! Keeping daddy in the loop creates a beautiful bond between mommy, daddy and baby. And trust me, seeing your husband loving on your little one is amazing. Melts my heart every time!!

Tip #7: Pray and Stay in the Word

Your emotions can be all over the place after giving birth. Thankfully I didn't deal with postpartum depression. But this is a very common and real thing that happens with women. Prayer and reading the word of God is so important as a new mommy. It helps to keep your foundation stable and it keeps your mind in the right place. You may have some nights or some days that are almost overwhelming, but when you have a word from the Lord to hold onto, it gives you peace and the grace that you need to make it one more day.

Tip #8: Don't Overdo Having Visitors

I was so happy to have a good portion of my family and close friends see Simon in the first 2-4 weeks of his life! It was a joyous time.

However I had tons of people who wanted to come see him. I knew that not everyone could come! I would be exhausted if that were the case. Don't be afraid to say no, or later. Your health and wellbeing is super important! Visiting takes energy! You have to entertain when you might just want to be sleeping. Don't be afraid to say, "I'm tired today how about next week?" Or "How about I let you know when I'm ready for visitors." This is very important in the early weeks. You need rest!

Tip #9: Skin to Skin Contact

Get in as much skin to skin contact with your baby as you can. Studies show tons of positive benefits for mommy and baby! It's great for bonding, encourages breastfeeding, helps mom to produce more oxytocin (which promotes good milk supply), babies are more content, regulates the baby's temperature, heart rate and sugar levels, etc. I could go on and on! I'm a strong believer in this!

Tip #10: Be Nice to Yourself

It bothers me when I hear women talk negatively about themselves because of the changes in their body after childbirth. Yes your body changes in many ways, but it's beautiful. You carried a life inside of you and gave birth. Now you are a mother. Every scar, stretch mark, and extra pound was worth it! Don't you dare look in the mirror and criticize yourself. You are beautiful!! I remember being in awe at what my body accomplished. Own it momma! You had a baby :) That's something to celebrate.

When a boxer wins a match, he has swollen eyes, maybe a broken nose and some cuts above his eye. But when he's wearing the gold medal for winning I guarantee he isn't thinking about the damage done! Sure he'll have a road to recovery but that's the least of his worries. So don't spend time thinking of how long you have to go to lose the weight or anything of the sort. It takes time. Slow down and just enjoy your baby. Celebrate your accomplishment! Be confident in who you are at that moment.

Those are my tips! What helped you make it through the postpartum period?

from Natural with Kendra

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